Tuesday, February 24, 2009

rainy day

it's been raining for a couple days, but it's also been getting a bit warmer so that's a plus. juss another indication that spring is coming..yee. i'm not a big fan of rain/heavy mist, but it is seatte so i'll juss have to deal with it.

me and billy were late for the earlier bus this morning and the bus that came after was a little late. so i was a lil late for class and billy was a little late for his test =/ after class i went to my dorm to eat foods and billy joined me shortly after. we went back to my room and billy went to get our FASA Formal tickets...finally! i'm super excited for formal. we're not sure yet what we're doing before, but i'm still excited haha. when he came back we took a nap. billy really needed the sleep bc he didn't get much sleep lastnight. he took a longer nap than me, but that's ok, he woke up in time to study a little for his placement test which he's taking right now.

we're going to red mill burger tonight. i'm excited :D

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